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Marking The End Of An Era For Conservatives

This article is more than 10 years old.

(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

It’s been a little over a month since the election, and by now we should hope that Republicans have agonizingly passed through the five stages of grief and finally reached acceptance. Beyond acceptance, we would also hope that the leadership, such as it is, of America’s center-right majority is undertaking a learning process that will, in time, lead to the electoral success that will ensure the genuine advancement of more limited and liberty-minded government.

There are certain constants in American politics, perhaps the most reliable of which is that for decades self-identified conservatives have outnumbered ‘liberals’ by a comfortable margin. While those who identify as ‘liberal’ got a two-point bounce according to November’s exit polls, conservatives still maintain a 35%-25% edge. Moderates, many of whom are likely fiscally conservative anyway, are the fastest growing segment of the electorate.

Political observers and the public at large tend to believe that the more reliable factor is the cyclical nature of our politics, or the pendulum effect. One party gets clobbered in an election and the pundits declare it dead or dying, only for it to come roaring back in a cycle down the road sending the other party reeling. But it is only cyclical within the context of historical eras in American politics. Like any historical period, these political eras have a beginning, middle, and an end.

As those on the right look to reexamine how they stop the death march of conservative policy in America, we must consider that eras end and paradigms shift. As the make-up of the electorate changes, and tactics and methods evolve, political movements must adjust to be at all effective.

Today, we find ourselves at such a tipping point. The era of big government conservatism and insular Republicanism is over. Government is on autopilot, becoming even more progressive and collectivist in nature. Officials from both parties are enabling that shift at breathtaking speed.

One might suggest voters are also shifting away from certain staple conservative values. Not true. David Frum and others would like us to believe that this shift is real and has to do with policy. It doesn’t. Over the last month there have been calls from some for a shift in values, more compromise and more moderation but in reality the problem with the American right is more about tone and strategy rather than being on the wrong side of the issues – or history for that matter.

The New Deal Democrats are dying. The Baby Boomers, who represent the largest expansion of wealth in American history, are aging. They have either lost a great deal of their net worth during the Great Recession or are increasingly resisting policies that see government take a larger chunk from their investments.

As the influx of immigrants in the early 20th century changed American politics, today’s ethnic minority populations are flexing more political muscle and remain the largest growth area for both parties in terms of raw numbers of potential voters. This is especially true given that leaders in both parties are considering a pathway to citizenship for the tens of millions of illegals already in the country.

Remember the GOP’s Southern Strategy? It’s history. In 2012 Obama could have won the election without winning a single southern state. Remember when California, Illinois and New York were in play for Republicans? Not by a long shot now.

We have to face the fact that the old so-called conservative movement in this country is a fractured mess that over the past thirty years has been often tone deaf, behind the curve tactically, and an abject failure from a policy standpoint.

America needs conservative values. What it doesn’t need is the same old conservative movement. America needs a ‘new right,’ that is genuine and effective. Frankly, it’s the only way to foster individual empowerment and entrepreneurship in this nation again. It’s the only way to ensure that this country remains a beacon of freedom and prosperity.

This ‘new right’ believes that politics is about addition and multiplication, not division and subtraction. It cares less about political labels and more about the common values that bind the majority of Americans. The movement leads with ideas not party institutions or personalities.

This new conservative movement doesn’t believe government is intrinsically bad, just fundamentally inefficient, prone to abusing the taxpayer and left unchecked an impediment to economic prosperity.

The ‘new right’ sees opportunity for engagement everywhere with people of all backgrounds. From New York to the Deep South and New England to the Pacific Northwest, conservatives must believe they have something to offer everyone. It motivates and mobilizes those people better.

The new right recognizes that freedom is threatened not just by Progressives but by Republicans and Democrats alike who increase the size and reach of government without an appreciation of our ability to pay for it or its impact on the economy.

New movement conservatives need to be less preachy and grasp a better understanding of what attracts people to a new point of view. Red meat has its place in base politics but sustainable success on a party level and a policy basis comes with growing your audience. Conservatives need to be less DC Beltway and more heartland; less Wall Street and more Main Street.

American politics isn’t some re-litigation of the Crusades. It’s not a battle between good and evil but a serious debate about what works and what doesn’t when protecting freedom and prosperity.

Oh and by the way, no matter who you think you’re conversing with about your political ambitions, Jesus doesn’t make endorsements. That said, God has his place in the American experience and right-thinking people can’t be afraid to fight to protect religious freedom or stand up to religious discrimination.

The ‘new right’ recognizes that our decaying cities, schools and infrastructure need good, effective government. They need public-private partnerships to inject new ideas into the arena to help solve metastasized problems. There is good work being done by conservative-thinking elected officials across the country and those need to be heralded.

The new right must create a new class of citizen politicians and hold elected leadership accountable when they vote for bigger government. A successful movement works to make people understand how government’s excesses affect their future on a very personal level. They use the latest technology, targeting methods and engagement techniques to have a non-threatening conversation with the American people.

The new right will flatly reject interference with the free market in the form of crony capitalism, bailouts and the creation of artificial marketplaces. It must stand firm in favor of policies that maintain a strong dollar and free trade.

Most importantly, a new conservatism in America cannot be hampered by abortion and social issues. The new movement must understand to its core that increased debt, regulation, and taxation impact our freedom to the point where the very foundation of this society is threatened including those social issues.

In reading a story last week about House Republicans electing all men to senior leadership and chairmanship posts, I couldn’t help but be reminded that what is needed most of all is the thing in the shortest of supply – leadership. In the absence of leadership, it will be up to us to urge on this new era in American politics, dedicated to righting the conservative ship and creating a legitimate, broad-based movement of ideas to dig us out of our present hole. We are still the majority and it can be done.

Follow Thomas J. Basile on Twitter @TJBasile.