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Charlotte Beers, Queen of the Mad Men, Pitches Self-Awareness

This article is more than 10 years old.

Photo credit: zak mc

Anyone who's a fan of Mad Men has the impression that  Madison Avenue is a snake pit of lying, deceit, and backstabbing, where individuals exhibit a steadfast refusal to acknowledge their true motivations and feelings (while ingesting massive amounts of alcohol and tobacco).

In light of that, I was happy to read this interview in the NYT with Charlotte Beers, the former Chairwoman and CEO of Ogilvy/Mather: she focuses on the importance of assessing your strengths and weaknesses honestly, as a leader, and on being transparent and honest with others.

I especially love a story she tells about receiving some tough feedback from a colleague, who told her that her management style was 'menacing.'  Instead of defending herself or shooting the messenger, Ms. Beers recounts that she reflected on her behavior and found the person's assessment accurate.  She also notes that it was difficult and upsetting for her,  because she thought of herself as 'friendly, gentle Southern belle.'

She makes so many true and worthwhile points in the article that I strongly suggest you read it.  I really enjoy it when successful leaders talk about the importance of self-awareness; I believe it's nearly impossible to lead well without being reasonably self-aware. It's akin to driving a car without a dashboard.  If you don't have accurate information about how the vehicle (you) is operating, it's tough to stay out of trouble.

Unfortunately, too many leaders use flattery and wishful thinking as their reality-checking mechanisms.  We've seen where that goes: leaders who think their employees respect and admire them when they don't; who are convinced that their ideas are world-class when they aren't; who imagine that customers are deeply loyal when they're not.

Being truly self-aware requires a good deal of courage.  You have to ask people how they see you, and you have to listen to what they say.  You have to look at mistakes you make, and asses them as objectively as you can, without immediately moving to defense or blame. And if you've behaved badly - been petty, or reactive, or unfair - you have to see it, acknowledge it, and figure out how to improve.

Self-awareness, as a leader, isn't for the faint of heart.

Again for the Mad Men fans, I'm now thinking of Ms. Beers as the 2012 version of Peggy Olsen or Megan Draper - having emerged victorious from the snake pit; savvy, successful and self-aware.  You go girl.