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Vladimir Putin: A Symptom of Russia's Greater Problems

This article is more than 10 years old.

By Jens F. Laurson & George A. Pieler

Putin again, confound it! The easy return of Putinism with a new, longer term, worries and baffles the West, even though the result has been predictable since 2008. Yet, when the Russian electorate helped its compellingly autocratic president to a cleverly arranged constitution-skirting third term, we are shocked, shocked. And placeholder-in-chief Medvedev obediently ducks back into the PM position. Then again, Putin acted like President anyway when he was PM himself. The man makes the office, as it were.

Election-monitors admonish Russia for widespread fraud, ballot stuffing, and the resourceful (and efficient) practice of carousel voting, while Putin’s campaign claims “the cleanest elections in the entire history of Russia”. The two are not mutually exclusive, mind you.

Western worries about Putinism and its tendencies—Russia’s descent into autocracy and non-cooperation on matters Iran and Syria—are to some degree justified. So are Putin’s seemingly far-flung concerns about ominous foreign influence in Russian affairs. Not that any Western nations or group thereof would actively try to usurp Putin, but the anti-Putin bias certainly colors their views and actions. This would be a good time for foreign pro-democracy advocates in Russia to note that fostering a culture of free and fair elections is not the same as getting rid of Putin.

Notwithstanding the poli-sci concerns about electoral impurities (worse even than Chicago), Putin’s victory isn’t, or ought not be in doubt. The fact is, gosh darn it, many Russians like him. The cavalcade of media and cultural stars who ‘officially’ lined up behind Putin was no doubt ’encouraged’ in some cases (no surprise, since state power in Russia has no clear limits), but the Russian predilection for strong nationalistic rhetoric ought not be underestimated.

The idea, even assumption, that Putin’s regime might somehow fall (from a few street protests?) signals wishful thinking overtaking hard analysis. The genuine popularity of Putin is either not taken seriously, or willfully denied by quite a few Western commentators.

A classic mistake of public affairs is to blame the choice, rather than the chooser. Consumers prefer saving money and one-stop convenience over retail-diversity, but Wal-Mart gets the blame for ‘homogenizing’ American commerce. The French love American entertainment and—quel horreur—fast food; unable to understand their kin’s choice (and ashamed of it), Gallic intellectuals opt for Anti-American. And now political analysts, unable or unwilling to understand the Russian desire for security and abstract international prestige at the hands of a semi-dictatorial Napoleonichki taking precedence over freedom of the press and squeaky clean elections.

That some intelligent, well-intentioned, justifiably aggrieved Russians go to the streets to protest against Putin is only normal, during and after contested and less-than-free elections, but in a way it’s a good sign. At least they are allowed to.

What is most worrying isn’t the vote manipulation and intimidation that pushed Putin’s victory from something like a still-decisive (speculative) 45% to the more convenient 65%... it’s the political atmosphere in Russia during off-election time. Putin would have won in a perfectly fair election not just because he is genuinely popular, but because the system doesn’t protect the rights of competing politicians to get anywhere near the point of mounting a serious challenge. In brief, the Russian constitution creates an all-powerful Presidency, and the existence of a parliament and constitutional court matters little when the Kremlin rules supreme. For the same reason the ‘free press’ in Russia is as free as the Kremlin wants it to be: a safety valve for public frustrations, not a real check on Putin’s power.

None of this excuses Putin’s autocratic style, but nor does it mean Russia drifted inexorably from the path of a meaningfully free and democratic country. It’s merely that Putin is as much symptom as cause of this drift, and acting as if only the figurehead stands in the way of a Russia more alike (and friendly to) Western democratic values is very shortsighted, indeed.

Jens F. Laurson is Editor-at-Large for the International Affairs Forum. George A. Pieler is an attorney and former Vice President of the Columbia Society of International Law.