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Great Apologies Make Great Leaders

This article is more than 9 years old.

Last month, I wrote a post here on Forbes about the less-than-stellar customer service I experienced at a hotel where I was conducting an event with colleagues and client partners. I didn’t name the hotel; the post wasn’t meant to be a forum for me to complain about the hotel, but rather an example of how almost-great customer service can be even more disappointing than mediocre service.  I was making the point that if you tout yourself as being high-end, then it’s important to deliver on that promise day-in and day-out.

I assumed that if the proprietors of the hotel read the post at all, they would either dismiss it, excoriate me, or defend themselves.

To be honest, the last thing I expected was one of the most open, elegant and authentic apologies I’ve ever received. When Matthew Hurlburt, the Director of Operations of the Hotel Monaco in Baltimore sent me his apology, I found it completely disarming. One reading transformed me from an anti-customer – someone who would have avoided ever staying in the hotel again – into a fan.

And that’s the power of a great apology. Those of you who are long-time readers know that I’m a big fan of genuine apologies. For a leader to apologize well requires courage, self-confidence and wisdom.  As our client and friend Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality, has pointed out: “Mistakes happen.  It’s what happens immediately afterward that’s important.”

And the very best thing that can happen immediately after a mistake is a real apology. Real apologies are straightforward and take full responsibility.  They sound like this: We made a mistake; we’re sorry; here’s what we’re doing to fix the problem. They don’t equivocate, deny, defend, blame, or whine.  Any customer who’s ever received a complete apology knows the almost magical power it has. When you get that kind of apology you feel heard, understood and responded to – it’s remarkably satisfying.

Because excellent apologies are so rare in business, I asked Matt if I could share his email with you, and he graciously agreed.  I encourage you to read this as an extraordinarily good model of how you and your employees could be responding to customer complaints:

Good Afternoon Ms. Andersen

I hope you are well, and if traveling today for the holiday weekend, have a smooth and safe trip!

I wanted to reach out to you after reading your article on regarding your experience at our hotel during the Rising Leaders program earlier in the month.  It was extremely valuable feedback for us given your experience and knowledge of leadership and business.  I especially connected with the charge to provide a level of service consistent with our product/reputation, and through every interaction by every team member in the building - that these are a necessity, not a goal to try and reach or an aspiration for the team.   We must set the bar that high and mandate that we execute above it, at all times.

Thank you for providing this feedback and for staying with us during the meeting.  We have had a post-convention meeting with the group to discuss our opportunities as well as successes, and followed up with all individuals who provided feedback individually.  I would like to personally apologize to you for those situations described where you experienced poor service personally, as well.

While we have been able to grow our customer satisfaction indicators at the property, and in turn our market share, over the past two years, your article was a good reminder that there is always more work to do.  I can assure you we all took this to heart and will be focused on it even more now.

Thank you again, and take care.


Fully acknowledging when you’ve failed to meet the customer’s expectations, getting curious about how to get better, and then focusing on improving your service delivery every day – that’s what the best companies do. With this response, Mr Hurlburt and his team have shown themselves to be firmly on that path.


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