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Are Hoverboards A Safe Way To Travel?

This article is more than 8 years old.

Now banned in NYC, and a growing safety concern nationally, hoverboards will soon be legal in California 

Hoverboarding, the new craze sweeping the nation in the past few years, seems like clean fun, a new way to get around--a cross between a Segway and a skateboard.

With many celebrities embracing them--from Wiz Khalifa to Justin Bieber to J.R. Smith at the recent NBA finals--using such a motorized walking-replacement device would seem on first pass like a pretty nifty way to get around.

You ask—What could be so wrong with hopping on the electric-powered board, hands-free, enjoying the cool breeze in your face?

Well, to start with, this form of “transportation”--and I use that term loosely--was just banned in New York City this past week, stemming from the fact that the devices cannot be legally registered with the DMV, according to the NYPD. In a nutshell, the electric devices are not only risky for the operator but pose a danger to other pedestrians and other vehicles as well. In many respects, hoverboards are an accident waiting to happen. Lawmakers in New York should be applauded for recognizing the potential for injuries and danger. A $200.00 fine will be levied for those violating the law.

However, public opinion and now legal interpretation has shifted more liberally in California where legislation was passed last month allowing the use of electric skateboards and other such motorized wheeled devices, actually reversing previous legislation passed in the 1970s which placed a ban on such forms of transportation.

“AB 604”, the new California law which takes effect on January 1, 2016, reverses a ban from the 1970s which was passed when the devices were powered by gasoline and other fossil fuels.

The new bill passed in California allows people to ride them on public streets, and creates a new legal category for “electrically motorized boards,” defined as carrying only one person, moving under 20 mph, and under 60 x 18 inches. The bill also prohibits the use of alcohol or drugs while operating the board and requires the rider to wear a helmet. Localities, however, still have the legal authority to ban them as they see fit, regardless of the state law allowing them.

How The Hoverboard Works

In simple terms, the operator leans forward lightly to go forward, and leans back slightly to go in reverse. Leaning slightly to your right on the board will allow you to turn right and conversely leaning to the left allows you to turn left. You can go up to speeds of 10 mph in some models, and one charge can let you travel up to 12-15 miles.

But controlling the hoverboard can be tricky for beginners, and the risk of being catapulted off from an abrupt stop is a real concern, as seen in many so-called hoverboard fails which are making their way around the internet and YouTube.

Medical Concerns

The risk of falls resulting in a traumatic brain injury, or even a  concussion, is an immediate concern, not to mention the risk of sustaining contusions and fractures to the ankles, wrists, knees and lower back and spine. A well-fitted helmet, elbow and knee pads, wrist guards and a padded area for the “coccyx” or tailbone are all advised if you choose to ride the board. The risks are similar--but even greater--than operating a bicycle, skateboard or pair of rollerblades.

Because the center of gravity for the board is so low, the risk for falls is especially high in those with poor balance and a weak core. The risk of having the board actually run over your foot or ankle if you lose control and fall forward is one chief concern, and has already been reported.

The New Distracted Driving: No Texting While Hoverboarding

Which brings us to the topic of “distracted driving.” As with any form of transportation that is hands-free, texting and concurrent use of tablets and smartphones, as well as noise-canceling headsets and headphones should be prohibited when operating a hoverboard. As one might imagine, the risk for injuries to yourself and others while distracted by such technologies is exceedingly high.

Legislation banning texting while hoverboarding should be considered before the law goes into effect in California in January in order to safeguard people and pedestrians alike.