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Top Three Leadership Skills Often Overlooked

This article is more than 8 years old.

Great leaders are expected to demonstrate a huge range of qualities to drive business forward; ensure employee and customer loyalty; all under the scrutiny of shareholders and often the press.  The stress is palpable and can be all consuming.  But what if you concentrate on and develop just a few qualities at a time?  What if those qualities are the foundation for all other qualities to evolve without too much angst?  Can you imagine how much healthier and happier you would be if there were three core behaviors that you could work on for maximum effect?

Many believe that great leadership qualities such as confidence, inspiration and judgment are innate, but in actual fact most qualities can be acquired.

For instance, alpha is the state we achieve when we meditate, use mindfulness or daydream.  If you got into trouble at school for staring out of the window, you were in a delicious creative state, which sadly the teacher didn’t realise.  Alpha (8-12 Hz) brain oscillations help us direct our attention to an active task in the moment, whilst suppressing irrelevant or distracting information.  This is something great leaders do which enables them to plan clearly and be in control.  As such, remaining calm in the face of challenges helps enormously with problem solving.  Research also shows that lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol and stimulating higher levels of testosterone in the brain, results in a certain level of dominance and confidence.  This leads to a greater ability to influence and motivate others and boosts morale.

Some argue that a great leader has a certain charisma or extra something that puts them in the major-league and appear extraordinary.  It is often their curiousness and commitment to learning that leads to high accomplishments and achievements which inspires others to follow.  This level of attainment is possible when the leader facilitates collective involvement from their colleagues and employees.  Learning from others will lead to healthy self-esteem, feelings of being valued and valid and an overall sense of high morale in the business.  With this kind of environment, productivity and creativity will thrive.

Imagine the days when you feel optimistic.  Often this goes hand in hand with energy and a proactive mind-set.  This framework is contagious for others to follow, consistently striving for progress and cohesion.  When a leader engages his or her optimistic brain, they open up their mind and begin to see the potential all around them and in others.  Encouragement, guidance and discipline follow with the sharing of thoughts and ideas and moments for others to shine.  All of which are rewarding experiences for everyone.  It’s important however, to be a realistic optimist, something successful leaders are extremely aware of.  As a simple example, if there were a cash flow crisis there is no point in blindly thinking everything will be OK without taking some positive action to tackle it.  Optimism and reality go hand in hand.

There are many qualities a strong leader needs, but some of these fundamental and simpler skills can be overlooked, which is a shame as they can spawn many others.  Starting with calming the mind, remaining curious and optimistic can be the foundation of a captivating leader who commands authority, admiration and a strong following.  Watching someone like this work a room with minimum effort and making others feel at ease and appreciated, is inspirational and encourages a strong following of people who want to be the best they can be, taking the business with them.

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