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America's Start-Up Engine Is Spluttering. Here's How To Rev It Up

Sam Zell and Stewart Thornhill
Updated Oct 19, 2015, 11:56am EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

The engine of innovation—and the key to our economy’s growth—is entrepreneurs.

Yet, according to a Gallup report earlier this year, the U.S. now ranks “not first, not second, not third, but 12th among developed nations in terms of business startup activity.” For the first time in at least forty years the net number of business startups versus closures is negative, at -70,000.

Conversely, this year’s Forbes 400 list included a “self-made” score, indicating the degree to which people made their own fortunes, versus inheriting. Nearly 70% of the people on the list today were self made, versus less than 50 percent 30 years ago.

The will is there. Now let’s get out of their way, and accelerate their potential to make a difference.

The value of entrepreneurial contributions is one of the few areas of common ground among our political parties and schools of economic thought. Politicians and economists all say we need more entrepreneurial activity, yet public discussion on how to foster it is surprisingly sparse.

What we should be talking about is regulation and education.

If new businesses and innovation are the fuel in the economy’s engine, then all regulation should be considered through that lens. Navigating often unpredictable or inconsistent government regulation processes – from complex tax policies to arduous patent-approval processes – is expensive, time and resource-consuming, and often prohibitive to young companies. One bright spot is the recent “patent box” proposal by the House Ways and Means Committee, which would reduce taxes on income generated from patents and other types of intellectual property. It is a small step in the right direction.

Our current immigration policy reaches into this issue. Today, U.S. colleges are enrolling unprecedented numbers of foreign-born students. More than one million college students in the U.S. are citizens of other countries, primarily China, India, South Korea and Saudi Arabia. Yet once we educate them, they find it so difficult to secure U.S. visas that they take their world-class education from our country back to theirs. Our immigration policy needs to better support high-skilled immigration by “stapling” green cards to advanced degrees and/or expanding existing visa programs.

The one area in which our country seems to be on the right track in fostering entrepreneurial activity is education. We are seeing an increase in entrepreneurial programs within higher education institutions, often driven by the private sector. And we need more of it.

When you talk to students about entrepreneurship, there is an incredible level of interest. It has become an aspirational goal to launch a company. And just as entrepreneurs experiment and pivot when necessary, so too are entrepreneurship faculties evolving and learning how to better prepare tomorrow’s graduates for lives of entrepreneurial leadership.

High-impact entrepreneurial education programs today are engaging students in action-based learning, often providing seed money for qualifying startups and helping students gain access to financial backers. Students who already have a business concept ready for development can take advantage of grant programs, workshops, business incubators, pitch competitions, startup weekends and venture accelerators. But even when they don’t start new companies, students learn the power of taking action to manifest change.

If America is to maintain its position as a global economic leader, then the pace of new business model innovation, new company startups and wealth creation need to surpass erosion of opportunity.

Sam Zell is an American entrepreneur who has founded, turned around and capitalized hundreds of companies, creating thousands of jobs. The majority of Zell’s investment portfolio is in energy, logistics, transportation, manufacturing, communications and healthcare, but he is often best known for his pioneering role and stewardship in creating the modern real estate investment trust industry.

Professor Stewart Thornhill is executive director of the University of Michigan’s Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, which receives financial support from Sam Zell. The Zell Lurie Institute is ranked as the top graduate business program for entrepreneurship by Princeton Review / Entrepreneur Magazine.