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The Highest Priority Of Successful Business Leaders: Their Employees

This article is more than 9 years old.

Many people believe that the most important asset in the game of work is money and they drain all the human energy in the organization in the pursuit of the creation of financial success.

It's interesting to note that we have never called a timeout to ask ourselves why.

We just assume that that's the way it has to be in order to survive. At our company, Fishbowl, if we start to fall into that trap, it definitely means it is time to re-assess our goals and innovate.

"Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives," said Tony Robbins, and we agree.

Have you ever considered working to build up the people within your organization? When people are your highest priority, the game of work changes significantly.

Think about how elite athletes prepare for a game physically and mentally. Then think about how much of your time is spent thinking about all the deficiencies on the team. What we think about expands.

Last week we wrote about viewing work as a basketball game and this week we are focusing on the most important asset in the game: People!

According to the Cleveland Clinic, which specializes in well-being, every person experiences an average of 60,000 thoughts each day and 95% are the same thoughts repeated every day. Here's the kicker: 80% of those habitual thoughts are negative. According to their medical experts, the brains is actually hardwired to pay more attention to negative experiences than to positive ones. With time and practice, we can train our thoughts to perform better at work. There's never been a better time to "re-wire" your brain. “My life has been filled with terrible misfortunes, most of which have never happened, ” said Mark Twain.

Why does this matter in the game of work? It makes sense in basketball. There is no game without the players. It's no different at work. What if we redirected all our energy toward helping the team gain and utilize positive and productive energy? According to a recent Gallup Poll, 70% of U.S. workers are not engaged at work. Can you imagine what we could do if we focused our energy on the positive instead of on the negative?

We challenge you to begin your work day thinking about how to encourage, support, and drive productive energy in your team. Plant a few seeds of optimism and watch your employees spring to life.

When was the last time you said, "Good job" and actually meant it? Try to go a whole week without pointing out all the faults in the people in your organization. Working to transform our thoughts and focusing our time and energy on people is a step in the right direction toward engaging employees and creating environments where they can flourish.

The good news is that you don't need an expensive consultant, the latest app, or a master's degree in organizational behavior. When you develop, grow, and change as a leader, so does everything around you. And remember, it doesn't cost a thing to think positive and be kind to others.

Additional reporting for this article provided by Mary Michelle Scott, Fishbowl President. For additional resources: www.fishbowlworkforce.com