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Are Your Employees About to Explode? Flip a Coin to Find Out

This article is more than 10 years old.

“Americans are stressed,” writes Lisa Belkin.

According to a recent HuffPost survey, 91 percent of Americans say they are stressed during the month with 77 percent saying they “regularly” feel stress. The survey describes “regularly” as weekly or more often. Men and women suffer about the same level of stress, but the stat that has me writing this morning is related to the workplace.

Stress is caused by the regular culprits—too much work (or lack of work), too little time, financial concerns, illness, and bad relationships—no surprises there. However, according to the survey respondents, “More than half of those surveyed named ‘Work’ (or lack thereof) as their biggest stressor, and full-time employees were more likely to bring this up than Americans in general (75 percent did so). Many answers relating to work stress spoke to the overwhelming pressure people face to do more than ever, in less time, for the same amount of money or less.”

The American workforce has become incredibly productive over the last few years because those employees lucky enough to keep or find jobs have stepped up their performance. As I meet people in the workplace, it’s not uncommon to hear that they are now doing the same job that two or even three people were doing a few years ago. That’s also no surprise to anyone with a job right now. Unfortunately, I don’t think many business leaders (of both large and small businesses) are asking themselves about the long-term toll this is having on their workforce.

Most people show up to work every day and want to perform at a high level—they want to give their best efforts. I’ve not met many people who show up intending to turn in a mediocre job performance. Most of my colleagues and friends have worked hard to pick up the slack left when employees lost by attrition or for other reasons aren’t replaced.

I recognized there are still far too many small businesses just barely eking out an existence and are likely unable to do anything about their need to require more out of smaller staffs, but I wonder if there are also too many business leaders who look at employees as expendable resources that can be replaced when they’ve been used up? After all, in many industries there are far more potential employees anxious to enter the workforce than there are jobs available.

Over the years I’ve noticed that most job-related stress is associated with unrealistic expectations that are difficult (or impossible) to meet. Resulting in an employee’s sense of hopelessness as he or she unsuccessfully tries to measure up to expectations. Over the years I’ve often been frustrated at what appears to be the arbitrary nature of many goals and objectives created by executive teams—goals that seem to have no basis in reality. I’ve observed that its far too easy to forget what it’s really like to work on the metaphorical “shop floor.”

Late last year I met a man who I consider to be a brilliant CEO, Dick Cross. He’s founder and principle of The Cross Partnership and is responsible for turning around eight struggling companies since 1990. I was introduced to him in a podcast interview regarding his book, Just Run It!. In the months since our interview last August, we regularly communicate and collaborate. Unlike many people you meet professionally, the more I interact with him the more I respect his insight and point of view. One thing in particular I really admire is his willingness to get his hands dirty to understand what life is really like for his workers.

He calls it “Wearing a shirt with your name on it.”

When he takes on the challenge of jumping in to turn around a company, he spends some time with the workforce doing their job. You see, he doesn’t look at the role of the CEO as a Chief Executive sitting in an ivory tower, but as one of the workforce. Over the last 20 years he’s driven the delivery truck, worked on the assembly line, and spent time on the sales floor making phone calls. I think this better informs him of what’s really going on within the companies he runs, and gives him a greater perspective regarding the challenges his workforce faces on a day-to-day basis. I can’t help but think this influences his actions in the boardroom as his executive team sets goals and identifies objectives.

I wonder if every business leader should do the same?

I also can’t help but think of the CBS television show, Undercover Boss. It’s interesting to notice that many of these “undercover bosses” discovered they were completely out of touch with what was happening within the workforce and who some of their truly heroic employees really were. They typically discover employees who are incredibly underappreciated and overworked. What would you discover if you took the time to actually get your hands dirty a few times every year?

“In describing their stressors,” writes Belkin, “people said things like ‘Over-worked and under-appreciated,’ ‘The feeling that I’m not doing well enough,’ ‘Makes me feel that I can not do enough in the hours I have, and that my bills may never be paid’ and ‘I feel like I can’t keep up.’”

Holy cow.

I’ll admit I don’t believe for an instant that these are lazy people who don’t want to do a good job. These are probably some of your best employees. What’s more, I can’t think of a situation where this is good for any business.

I know there are no easy answers, but the problem doesn’t seem to be getting any better despite all the press. A couple years back I read a study that suggested that the rate of heart attacks on Monday jumps dramatically compared to the rest of the week. The health impact of an overly stressful work environment can be devastating to the workforce.

My friend Dick Cross may be on to something. At least I don’t see any negatives associated with any effort that helps a business leader gain a greater understanding of what’s happening within the workforce. Particularly if it allows him or her to set reasonable objectives, recognize employees who regularly perform at a higher level, and reduce the stress levels that are destroying employee health and creating a detrimental long-term impact on productivity.